Our Vision

Our vision
To provide meaningful and sustained improvements in overall health through innovations targeting key issues affecting our region.
To enable The Pool Institute for Health to fulfill its vision effectively, Institute leadership used both local inputs and proven best practices from around the country to devise a set of processes to carry out the work. These include:
- Using data, both numbers and stories, and small-area analysis to more effectively understand target neighborhoods and the lived-experience of residents.
- Practicing authentic community engagement with the goal of forging strong partnerships with residents.
- Strengthening cross-sector partnerships across local non-profits to build and enrich place-based approaches to collaboratively address the factors that affect health.
- Development of a “Backbone” infrastructure that seeks to add a management support layer for cross-sector collaborations.
Social drivers
In an effort increase connectivity across community-level programming and interventions, The Pool Institute for Health will support cross-sector efforts around the following four focus areas.
• Community well-being: safety, mental health, overall well-being
• Education: cradle-to-career pipeline
• Housing: permanent, mixed-income housing
• Food and nutrition: economic mobility