Terms and Conditions of Use

By using websites, applications or services owned by The Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health and the resources provided on them, you agree to the following Terms and Conditions of Use. You are encouraged to read our Terms and Conditions of Use before using any websites, applications or services owned by The Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health. If you do not agree to our Terms and Conditions of Use, please exit from, delete or otherwise refrain from using these resources.

More information on how The Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health protects your privacy can be found at the following link - privacy policy.

Disclaimer Regarding Health Information

The content and resources available on LPPIH.org, The Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health’s official LinkedIn pages and related websites, applications or services owned by The Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health or its affiliates are for general information only and are not intended to be substitutes for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should not rely exclusively on information provided on LPPIH.org. The Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health encourages you to discuss any information that you gain from any medical-related websites, applications or services with your physician, who can properly advise you of medical treatment as it relates to your specific medical condition.

Users of LPPIH.org, The Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health’s official LinkedIn pages and related websites, applications or services owned by The Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health or its affiliates should be aware that information about healthcare may change more frequently than these websites, applications or services may be updated. Therefore, The Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health makes no warranties or representations, express or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or usefulness of any opinions, advice, services or other information or resources contained or referenced on LPPIH.org, The Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health’s official LinkedIn pages and related websites, applications or services owned by The Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health or its affiliates.  

Users of LPPIH.org, The Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health’s official LinkedIn pages and related websites, applications or services owned by The Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health or its affiliates should be aware that The Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health does not assume any risk for your use of these resources. You agree that in no event will The Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health or any other party involved in creating, producing or delivering these resources, or any site linked to these resources, be liable to you in any manner whatsoever for any decision made, action or non-action taken by you in reliance upon the information provided through these resources.

Your Digital Correspondence with The Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health

The Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health makes every effort to maintain the confidentiality of the communications that you send to us directly through websites, applications or services, including, but not limited to, LPPIH.org email addresses, LPPIH.org web forms and messages on The Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health’s official LinkedIn pages. Privacy in these digital communications cannot always be guaranteed, which is why The Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health does not encourage the sharing of medical information and does not offer direct medical advice about your specific condition through these websites, applications or services. Should you choose to supply confidential information through these websites, applications or services, you acknowledge that you are doing so at your own risk.

Links to External Websites

Links provided to external websites are not under the control of The Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health. The Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health is not responsible for the contents of any external site linked from our website. Additionally, the Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policies contained on those websites may differ from what is outlined here. If you are asked to supply personal information to those websites, please read through the Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policies contained on those websites.

Access and Use by Children

Children under the age of 18 are not allowed or encouraged to register on LPPIH.org, The Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health’s official LinkedIn pages and related websites, applications or services owned by The Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health or its affiliates. We do not actively market our websites, applications or services directly to children.

Our Privacy Policy

Acting as good stewards of the personal information that we collect is important to us as a healthcare network. At The Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health (“LPPIH”), it is our policy that personal information is kept private and confidential. A separate privacy policy covering the collection and use of data on LPPIH.org, The Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health’s official LinkedIn pages and related websites, applications or services owned by The Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health or its affiliates can be found at the following link - privacy policy.

Copyright and Trademarks

All material on this website, and the files associated with it, are copyright by The Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health and its affiliates or by the original creator of that material. It is protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America and under treaties with other nations. Unless otherwise stated, no material on this website is in the public domain. You may not download, copy, reproduce, redistribute, republish, publicly display, post, or transmit material on this website unless expressly permitted. The Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health in no way represents or warrants that your use of materials displayed on this website does not infringe the rights of third parties.

All trademarks, service marks, and logos displayed and used on LPPIH.org, The Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health’s official LinkedIn pages and related websites, applications or services owned by The Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health or its affiliates are the property of their respective owners. Nothing provided on these websites, applications or services should be construed as granting any right or license to use any trademark without the written permission of its owner.

Updates to Our Terms and Conditions of Use

This policy was last updated in April 2024.

The Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health reserves the right to modify these terms at any time by making updates to this page. Any modifications made to this page and the terms outlined shall be effective immediately upon being posted. Your continued use of any websites, applications or services owned by The Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health following the posting of the updated terms will mean that you agree to the modified Terms and Conditions of Use for the use of these resources.