Health Care

LPPIH Analytics Portal-HealthCare

Boston University’s Health Literacy Tool Shed is an online database of health literacy measures. The site contains information about measures, including their psychometric properties, based on a review of the peer-reviewed literature. In developing the Tool Shed, gaps were found within some health literacy measures. It is suggested future researchers close these gaps by:

  1. Aligning health literacy measurement with theory and conceptual models
  2. Developing methods of objective measurement that approximate the convenience of self-report measures
  3. Conducting comparative assessment of self-reported and objective measure

Read more about the Tool Shed's goals and criteria

The Fentanyl Epidemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has been dominating the headlines over the last couple of years, but the truth is that there’s an even deadlier epidemic in the United States: the fentanyl epidemic. The year 2021 saw 41,487 people between the ages of 18-45 die of fentanyl overdoses, while COVID-19 caused a little over half that number of fatalities in the same age group.



Neighborhood differences can create and reinforce social disadvantages that contribute to health disparities.


Insurance Coverage

Insurance Coverage

A majority of adolescents without health coverage do not receive needed psychiatric services.

Chronic Conditions

Chronic Conditions

Chronic disease becomes more prevalent in poor counties as incomes fall.


Technology Access

Technology Access

Telehealth can help address disparities in access to healthcare services and health outcomes.

Language Spoken

Language Spoken

The economically disadvantaged may be medically underserved when language barriers arise.